segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2019

5 Cheap(ish) Things to Combat Winter Cabin Fever

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Tip of the Week

This week I've invited the writer Eliza McGraw to teach us all how to clean up our bookshelves.

I have too many books. But by sorting them into categories I've devised, I can find, read and enjoy each one more. Does one book remind you of another? Shelve them together and you can find — and read — that play you loved at 19, or the Roosevelt biography from your cousin. Your real-life library should match how you imagine your books. No matter how odd your taxonomy may seem to an outsider, you'll be a happier reader.

For example, my sections include Civil War history, turf writing, mythology, poetry and oversize. Lean in to subjective calls: If you'd like "The Odyssey" in poetry rather than in classics, that's where it should go. Within divisions, I sort books alphabetically by author's last name. I like the camaraderie this creates. In short story collections, Saki stands with Damon Runyon, and over in novels Donna Tartt sits by Peter Taylor while Charlotte Brontë is next to James Lee Burke.


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