quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2019

The key to Oprah's morning involves espresso and meditation. Here's how 9 billionaires start their days.

Oprah's morning is very involved. The first thing she does when she rises at seven o'clock is brush her teeth before taking her five dogs for a walk. While she waits for her espresso to brew, she reads a card from her '365 Gathered Truths' box. Then, she turns to an app on her phone to read her daily Bowl of Saki. Next, she meditates followed by an hour long workout in the hills of her backyard.

Elon Musk's morning is not as calm as Oprah's. He also wakes up at seven, but he gets right to business. Elon spends half an hour reading and responding to critical emails while drinking coffee. He says he's too busy for breakfast. After sending his five sons to school he showers, then drives to work. Sounds about right for someone who works up to 120 hours a week.

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey says he gets out of bed 5 a.m. He meditates for 30 minutes and then completes a seven-minute workout three times. After that, he has his morning coffee and then checks in.

Warren Buffett likes to sleep. He says he usually sleeps a full eight hours a night. He reportedly wakes up at 6:45 a.m. and starts his day reading newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

Jeff Bezos also values his sleep. He says he makes it a priority. However, Bezos reportedly wakes up naturally, without an alarm. He likes to hold high-IQ meetings in the morning before lunch, ideally at 10 a.m.

Bill Gates starts his day with cardio. The New York Times reported that Gates would spend an hour on the treadmill while watching educational DVDs. He says he enjoys Cocoa Puffs cereal but his wife, Melinda, says he doesn't eat breakfast.

Many of us cannot imagine a morning without coffee, but Sara Blakely can. The founder of Spanx says she's never had a cup of coffee. Instead, she drinks a smoothie made of frozen wild berries, dark cherries, kale, dates, cinnamon, spinach, cilantro, fresh mint, lemon, water, ice, chia, and walnuts. Blakely also tries to get a yoga session in at 6:30 a.m. before taking her kids to school.

Mark Zuckerberg stays true to his brand. The first thing he does is check his phone in bed.

Mark Zuckerberg: The first I do is look at my phone. I look at Facebook.

Jerry Seinfeld: Right.

Zuckerberg: Right to see — to see what's going on in the world.

Seinfeld: Right, right.

Zuckerberg: And I check my messages. I look at Messenger and WhatsApp.

He also says he doesn't like wasting time on small decisions which is why he wears pretty much the same outfit everyday.

Anastasia Soare is the founder of makeup brand Anastasia Beverly Hills. She also reaches for her phone when she wakes up at 7:00 a.m. Apparently, Instagram is the first app she checks every morning. She always has two cups of black coffee and eats a light breakfast while answering emails. Her personal trainer comes to her house most days and she exercises for an hour. And of course, she never leaves her house without doing her eyebrows.


quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019

Idaho Falls life coach explains how to achieve your New Year's resolutions

One month of 2019 has come and gone, which is a major milestone for New Year’s resolutions. Those “new year, new me” goals could be long forgotten at this point, but it’s never too late to start working at them again.

The Idaho Success Center, a local life coaching business, specializes in helping people achieve goals.

The Idaho Success Center is owned and operated by Lois Webb, a part-time landlord and full-time life coach. Webb works mostly with families and children in her cozy, one-person office off of 17th Street in Idaho Falls.


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Webb spoke to the East Idaho Business Journal about advice she gives her clients, which could be useful to Eastern Idahoans working toward something in the new year.

Webb’s coaching strategy is self-discovery, helping clients find answers to immediate issues in their lives, she said. She doesn’t give anybody answers herself.

“They pretty much have it in there â€" they just don’t know how to find it,” Webb said. “I help them ask the right questions.”

Webb begins new client sessions with an exercise meant to encourage positive thinking and avoid “negative self-talk.” It involves looking around her office and picking out all the A’s from the many inspirational messages on the walls. When the client focuses on one letter, everything else â€" all the other letters, words and images â€" moves to the background.

Webb recommends her clients do the same exercise with the challenges they face. When they focus on positive goals, the negatives will move to the background. And focusing on the positives is always more effective than dwelling on the negatives, she said.

Once they find the A’s, or the positive goals, they should put them down on paper, either in writing or in some other visual form, such as cutting out words or pictures from magazines.

For example, a client that wants to lose weight this year should cut out words like “exercise” or “health” and paste them to a vision board, a handy tool for staying focused on their goals that Webb will discuss in more detail later.

Webb said the visual reminders work like magic on the brain. Without even realizing it, the positive self-talk reminders can move people in the direction of their goals.

Webb answered the following questions about how she helps her clients recognize and work toward their goals:

Why do you find it important to focus on the positive goals rather than the negatives?

If we focus on something, that is what we’re going to set our mind out to go and find. If we focus on positives, we’ll find positives.

What specifically do you recommend clients do to keep the positives in mind and achieve their goals?

We do vision boards. With the vision board, you put on the things you would like to have happen in life. Between six to nine goals is plenty for your mind to take in and be able to work on. I don’t suggest more than nine.

If they’re on the board they’re important. The one that comes up the strongest, I have them put that in the center. The board is usually in a tic-tac-toe form.

We also do declarations stating what we would like to see happen in our life and we also do affirmations. “I am, I do, I affirm” to myself that I’m doing these things.

How does a vision board help people achieve their goals? Are there any specific goals that you have achieved using the vision board?

You’re not only saying it you’re also seeing it and hearing it. You’re using all of your senses to work to that goal.

I decided that I wanted to be more involved with other people to help them achieve their goals. I have opened and run my Idaho Success Center. I put on my vision board that I wanted to help other people, especially teenagers, so I went out and found two foreign exchange students to bring into my home.

I really love being a grandma and doing the very best that I can to help my children and my grandchildren find the positives in life. 

People often struggle with getting started on their goals. Do you have any suggestions for people to get started so that they can be confident about keeping their goals?

I work weekly with (my clients). They have to answer to me about what they were able to accomplish that week. It’s nice to have someone to soundboard off them. I help them figure out what they’re going to do for the next week. We fill in the board every week with a new goal and we cross off the ones that were completed.

Reporter Ryan Suppe can be reached at 208-542-6762. Follow him on Twitter: @salsuppe.


terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2019

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Make This Year Your Most Productive (and Reflective) Yet by Learning How to Journal

The word "journal" when used as a noun has a whiff of academic prestige to it. But as a verb, "journal" calls to mind the image of an overly emotional teen seated on the floor of his bedroom, scribbling across a tear-stained page with a slew of colored markers while Dashboard Confessional blares in the background.

It's time we turn the page (pun intended) on that stereotype.

Far from simply being the repository of youthful angst, the personal journal is quickly becoming a mainstay of the modern enlightened lifestyle. It's advocated by noteworthy men such as lifehacker Tim Ferriss, country singer Brett Eldredge, and actor Joseph Gordon Levitt, who said of his journaling habit, "I've gone through different phases in my life of writing in a journal more or less frequently, but it's something I turn to, especially when I'm trying to work through something that's vexing me."

man with a journalWestend61/Getty Images

Along with helping to work out daily vexations, writing in a journal has been shown to help people set priorities, establish goals, live with more intention, and actually do the things that are important to them. But that's not all. A 2013 study found that 76% of medical patients who spent time writing in a journal before a biopsy healed 11 days faster than their control group. Journaling is shown to help wounds heal faster, fight off chronic disease, and lower blood pressure.

Keeping a journal is much less about rigorously documenting your every action, thought or feeling, and more about registering your lived experiences while also planning for the future. There are a variety of journaling formats to suit every personality, schedule, and skill set under the sun. (Some of them don't even involve writing.)

Bullet Journal

This form of journaling is being touted all across the internet right now and for good reason. Said to have been invented by the digital product designer Ryder Carroll, this option is perfect for the goal-oriented person who wants to organize a head full of ideas into concrete accomplishments.

Bullet journaling works by following a specific format that divides up your notebook into five elements: An index to easily find what you've jotted down; a "rapid logging" section where you jot down thoughts, tasks, ideas, lists, etc. as quickly as possible; a more focused log where you identify in more detail what you've done, are doing and want to do; and a "collection" section where you group content from the log into categories (e.g., books you want to read, fitness milestones, creative ideas, etc.). Dedicated bullet journaling involves learning a certain type of shorthand for keeping track of your progress, but it's not hard. (An introductory guide can be found here.)

The beauty of the bullet journal is that it enables you, in the inventor's words, to "track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future."

Morning Pages

Another format-specific type of journal, this one was created by artist Julie Cameron and popularized in her bestselling book The Artist's Way. This mode is less rigid than bullet journaling—it simply involves sitting down with a pen and notebook, starting to write, and not stopping until you've filled up three pages. The idea here is to wean yourself away from the self-editing impulse that so often gets in the way of authentic self expression. Creative types aren't the only ones who swear by the value of morning pages. Devoted practitioners say it helps clear the mind, relieve stress, manage anxiety and depression, improve everything from relationships to professional performance to fitness. If you often feel like some mysterious force is holding you back from achieving what you want in life, morning pages could be the perfect way to get it out of your system.

how to journal for men man taking notes with penOne-Sentence Journal

Popularized by Gretchin Rubin of The Happiness Project, the one-sentence journal is perfect for the person who doesn't have time to journal (or just has a hard time maintaining a routine). This format is as simple as it gets—all it takes is jotting down one sentence that sums up whatever stands out as significant about your day. The sentence doesn't even have to be original—it could be a line from a book, a news headline, a pithy quote from a famous thinker, or even a funny quip from a friend. An obvious advantage of this style of journaling is the easy sense of accomplishment it offers. But those who use it say that limiting themselves to one sentence influences them to focus on just on the positive (i.e., the things they want to remember) in what they write down. Over time, this practice builds into a greater sense of gratitude and well-being. They also say that when they review the journal after a few months or even a year, they're surprised to find how many memories can be contained in just one sentence. (In case it needs to be said, you're definitely allowed to expand as needed into two sentences or more.)

how to journal for men man writing a sentence inDream Journal

Okay, don't scroll past this one just yet. As woo-woo as it might sound, a dream journal is actually an awesome way to delve deeper into your own psyche, learning more about what makes you tick, what holds you back, and what might improve your happiness. Dreams are, after all, shaped by your psychology as much as they are by the sketchy burrito you ate the night before.

how to journal for men man writing in notebook

If you don't always remember your dreams upon awakening, start with documenting past dreams that you remember—the childhood nightmare that sent you running to your parents' room, the unexpected person who showed up in a hormone-fueled teenage dream, and so on. And your dreams don't have to be full-scale sleep epics in order to be recorded. Even a fragment, a fleeting image or just a feeling you had upon waking is worth noting down. Psychologists say that when patients are asked to a recount a dream, they often leave out details that they think aren't important, but that it's precisely those details that often prove most significant down the road. They also recommend that in addition to the content of the dream, you note its context: Where and what time you went to sleep, how well you slept, anything that might have been on your mind before you dropped off, etc. All of this will help you understand the influences that shape your unconscious. While you can certainly research the "interpretation" of your dreams as much as you'd like, the real value of a dream journal is creating your own interpretation based on the patterns you notice and the connections you draw to your real life.

Dream journaling also allows you to clear your mental deck before heading out for the day, allowing you to start fresh each morning.

Scrapbook Journal

Words aren't the only way to document your thoughts and experiences. If you're the type who can't throw away ticket stubs, matchbooks or concert flyers, a scrapbook-style journal is probably your ideal form. You'll want a larger sized notebook for this one, along with some very strong acid-free glue or tape, since you'll be packing the pages with the ephemera of your wild and crazy life. No need to keep it chronological—just pencil in the date and any other identifying information next to the items as you paste them on the pages. You can also add verbal descriptions or drawings where it feels right.

Scrapbook JournalingYuri Nunes/Getty Images

Now that you're convinced you need to journal, check out these great notebooks to help contain those to-do lists and goals.


You Need to Start Taking Care of Your Teeth. Here's How

You commit to regular sweat seshes at your local F45 haunt for your body, attend yin yoga for your mind and keep yourself pumped with omegas for a healthy heart. But what sort of state is your oral hygiene in?

Likely, it's not so hot.

A 2017 NHS survey revealed that only half of the 800,000 Brits questioned had visited a dentist in the previous two years. Combine that with YouGov numbers that reveal only 67% of people brush their teeth at least twice a day and a staggering 68% don't floss ever, and it's clear that your mouth is far lower down the pecking order than it should be.

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'There's still a fear of going to the dentist,' says Dr Harvey Grahame, clinical director at smilepod.co.uk. 'Fear of the pain and the cost of treatment, and I think a lot of people don't want to be told off by a dentist for neglecting their teeth. However, if you wait until it's too late, the original issue becomes far worse.' Yikes. These issues aren't just limited to your gob, either.

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'The mouth is often referred to as the gateway to your body, because disease in the mouth can be directly linked to disease elsewhere in the body,' explains Dr Mihir Shah, head dentist at Battersea Park Dental. 'If you have an unhealthy mouth – which can lead to gum disease, a common chronic inflammatory disease characterised by destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth, resulting in bleeding gums, tooth mobility and tooth loss – your risk of heart problems is increased,' explains Dr Shah.

"Disease in the mouth can be directly linked to disease elsewhere in the body"

Sounds unlikely, but it's true, thanks to grim bacteria found in plaque. The inflamed and swollen gums caused by gum disease make it easier for this bacteria to enter the bloodstream, then make its way into the heart and attach itself to fatty deposits in the blood vessels.

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This may lead to blood clots, which can cause heart attacks. Gum disease and diabetes are also proving themselves to be unhappy bedfellows, but cosy nonetheless. Research published by the European Federation of Periodontology shows how germs from infected gums that have escaped into the bloodstream can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels and inhibit your body's ability to control them.

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A study published in the Journal Of Clinical Periodontology, monitoring 13,734 participants over 10 years, discovered that people who already have kidney problems are more prone to periodontitis (serious gum infection) than those without.

The research team is now investigating the link between gum and kidney disease further to find out whether treating gum disease and maintaining good oral health can improve the overall wellbeing of patients with kidney disease. 'It may be that gum disease makes kidney disease worse, or vice versa,' says dentist Praveen Sharma, co-author of the study.

"It may be that gum disease makes kidney disease worse"

'Or they may just both exist independently of each other in certain susceptible people.'

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More alarmingly, the research has revealed that if you have both issues, your life expectancy shortens, with those who have both periodontitis and chronic kidney disease having an all-cause mortality rate of 41% at 10 years, compared with 32% for those with chronic kidney disease alone.

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Oral hygiene whilst pregnant

Pregnant? Exemplary oral health is just as important as your daily dose of folic acid.

'Pregnancy results in a sharp rise in levels of the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone within your body, which can cause inflammation and increase the risk of breakdown of your teeth's supporting structures,' says dentist Shiva Abbassi-Ghadi. Why? 'There are hormone receptors within the gum, and over-stimulation during pregnancy leads to more inflammation than usual and therefore a susceptibility to gum disease,' she explains. What's more worrying?

'There have been studies that show a link between gum disease during pregnancy and premature birth,' adds Abbassi- Ghadi. 'Periodontal disease releases inflammatory cells and bacteria into the bloodstream that may reach the feto-placental unit – the foetus and placenta functioning as a combined endocrine system – and result in premature birth.'

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It's why women are offered free dental care on the NHS throughout pregnancy and for 12 months after they have given birth.

"There have been studies that show a link between gum disease during pregnancy and premature birth"

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It's also essential to take extra care if you're suffering with morning sickness, as vomiting frequently can erode tooth enamel. Whatever you do, don't brush them immediately after being sick.

This is when they're most vulnerable, and brushing may lead to tooth wear. Pregnancy or no pregnancy, all dental experts agree that making your oral hygiene a daily priority is key not only to maintaining a healthy mouth and a set of pearly whites, but to ensure no negative impact on your overall health.

How to make your mouth healthy

Up for upping your game? Begin by cleaning your teeth with as much TLC as you show your face. Consider two minutes twice a day with an electric brush (research has shown that using oscillating and rotating electric toothbrushes over manual ones is better at reducing plaque) non-negotiable and turn your attention to cleaning between your teeth. Fail to remove the plaque in those hard-to-reach areas and it will lead to build-up, chronic inflammation and eventually gum disease in susceptible individuals.

You also need to start flossing at least once a day. Not sure where to start, or which product is best for you? Abbassi- Ghadi says it's all about personal preference, and that no one tool is better than the other.

However, there is still a limit to what can be achieved at home. 'A deep clean above and below the gum line ideally needs to be carried out by a dental care professional at least every six months, and regular dental hygiene examinations that monitor and maintain the condition of your mouth are highly recommended,' adds Abbassi- Ghadi.

Schedule a clean, then together you and your dentist can work out a personalised treatment plan. Starting from around £30 a pop, it's easier on the wallet than that massage you consider 'essential'. So, become best mates with your dentist now and it's not just your mouth that'll benefit.

Because nothing will erode your selfie confidence quicker than a missing tooth.


segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2019

Insurance Experts Explain How To Handle A Coverage Lapse

[unable to retrieve full-text content]This also happens when the driver changes the carrier, but he does not synchronize the expiration date of the older policy with the start date of the new coverage. When discovering a coverage lapse, i...

5 Cheap(ish) Things to Combat Winter Cabin Fever

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Tip of the Week

This week I've invited the writer Eliza McGraw to teach us all how to clean up our bookshelves.

I have too many books. But by sorting them into categories I've devised, I can find, read and enjoy each one more. Does one book remind you of another? Shelve them together and you can find — and read — that play you loved at 19, or the Roosevelt biography from your cousin. Your real-life library should match how you imagine your books. No matter how odd your taxonomy may seem to an outsider, you'll be a happier reader.

For example, my sections include Civil War history, turf writing, mythology, poetry and oversize. Lean in to subjective calls: If you'd like "The Odyssey" in poetry rather than in classics, that's where it should go. Within divisions, I sort books alphabetically by author's last name. I like the camaraderie this creates. In short story collections, Saki stands with Damon Runyon, and over in novels Donna Tartt sits by Peter Taylor while Charlotte Brontë is next to James Lee Burke.


Social media 101: Workshops start this week

.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........

Nikole Stanfield, Finance New Mexico social media manager

The social media community is a lot like a real-world neighborhood where people ask their friends for referrals to a hair stylist or mechanic or roofer. But businesses can use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram proactively to market products and services in dynamic, interactive ways to the people who want them.

In that sense, social media is more potent than a website where people can learn about a business but can’t interact with the owners or other customers. Websites are a lot like online brochures, and they’re just as static. And few people see them if they don’t know what to look for or if the business doesn’t rank high on search engines.

Established social media platforms allow the types of engagement that animate social media marketing. They let businesses start a conversation with a prospective customer that could lead to a sale.

Building foundations

Marketing begins when a business identifies the target market and plans how to reach the people who populate it. Social media marketing accentuates the “social” part of that relationship.

Unlike other types of business marketing, however, social media isn’t the place to come on strong with a sales pitch; most people don’t check Facebook or LinkedIn accounts because they’re starved for commercial advertising. People visit social media sites to converse and connect, just as they mingle at networking events to meet potential clients, collaborators or mentors.

So a business’s social media face has to be friendly and genuine. And it has to be consistent. If a business launches a Facebook page but the most recent post is five years old, customers will assume the business is defunct, doesn’t care about nurturing its social media audience or doesn’t know how to use this powerful outreach tool.

Fortunately, a business can reboot its social media marketing at any time. If it has too many profiles to keep up with them all, it can downsize to a manageable number â€" striving for quality over quantity. If the business hasn’t identified its audience, it can get clarity, decide what to say to followers, and plan how to stay in touch.

For example, a coffee shop can use Facebook to share stories about special events it is having or invite people to observe its unique brewing process. A nonprofit can use LinkedIn to invite other businesses to cosponsor a local event or create a strategic partnership. A photographer can share images on Instagram and link followers to her online store.

Training available

The nonprofit WESST is sponsoring a workshop called Social Media Marketing with Facebook and Instagram to help business owners launch or upgrade their online profile. The eight-week workshop, which uses Facebook-led curriculum that was highlighted in the Facebook Community Boost event held in 2017 in Albuquerque, meets from noon to 2 p.m. one day a week starting Thursday. The event will be held live at the WESST Enterprise Center on Broadway Blvd in Albuquerque and simulcast to other WESST offices, including Rio Rancho and Roswell.

Workshop participants will learn how to use these two popular platforms to create pages that showcase the business and attract customer traffic, and they’ll learn how to create ad campaigns that support these social media pages. Visit https://www.wesst.org/training/ for more information.

Finance New Mexico connects individuals and businesses with skills and funding resources for their business or idea. To learn more, go to www.FinanceNewMexico.org. Nikole Stanfield, who manages social media for the Finance New Mexico project, can be reached on Facebook at @FinanceNewMexico or @WebCopySpecialist.


How to Set up Google Tag Manager for Better PPC Tracking

Proper tracking is crucial to the success of any PPC campaign.

If you aren't tracking conversions correctly, you won't have the right data flowing into ad accounts to make informed decisions about keywords, ad copy, and audiences.

Unfortunately, implementation can be a barrier for accounts of all sizes. An overworked developer or a bureaucratic IT department can take weeks to add a simple Google Ads conversion code.

Thankfully, Google Tag Manager provides a solution to save time and back-and-forth communication when implementing tracking codes. Once a single code has been installed on the site, PPC marketers can then have full access to add as many ad platform tags as they need.

This article will walk you through how to set up Google Tag Manager (GTM) and deploy tags for major ad platforms.

Setting Up Google Tag Manager

If you haven't yet created a GTM account, start here. The interface will walk you through setting up a new account.

Set up Google Tag Manager account

Set up Google Tag Manager account

Within your account, you'll also need to create a container for your site. Generally, you� �ll want to name this the domain name where the GTM container will be used.

Select Web and click Create to start your account.

Set up Google Tag Manager container

Set up Google Tag Manager container

Next, you'll see a box appear containing the code to add to your site. You' ll need to add the first snippet of code toward the top portion of the site and the second snippet right after the opening tag.

Install Google Tag Manager

Install Google Tag Manager

Note that if you use WordPress, you can also install GTM using this plugin. Some other CMS platforms have built-in GTM integration; check with your provider's support if you're unsure where to go.

Checking Tag Installation

To double-check that GTM is installed properly, install the Google Tag Assistant extension in Chrome.

Now, navigate to the page you wish to check and click the extensions' icon in your browser bar.

Google Tag Assistant

Google Tag Assistant

You should now see Google Tag Manager listed, along with any other active tags for Google products.

  • A green "smiley face" indicates the code is functional.
  • Blue indicates potential issues (such as placement in a non-standard section of the code).
  • Red indicates an error in installation.
  • You can click on the tag to see more details about errors for troubleshooting.

    1. Implementing Google Ads Tags

    For Google Ads, you can deploy both conversion and remarketing tags through GTM.

    First, we'll implement a conversion tag.

    Adding a Google Ads Conversion Tag

    Navigate to your desired GTM account and container. On the overview screen, select Add a New Tag.

    Add New Tag in Google Tag Manager

    Add New Tag in Google Tag Manager

    In the window that appears, click in the Tag Configuration to choose a tag type.

    Choose Tag Type

    Choose Tag Type

    Select Google Ads Conversion Tracking.

    Choose Tag Type

    Choose Tag Type

    Now, go to your Google Ads account in another tab or window to grab the Conversion ID and label. Click the Tools icon on the top menu and se lect Conversions.

    Set Up Google Ads Conversion

    Set Up Google Ads Conversion

    Next, either create a new conve rsion or click an existing one to edit. Under the Tag Setup section, select the option to Use Google Tag Manager.

    Google Ads Conversion ID

    Google Ads Conversion ID

    You'll now see the Conversion ID and Conversion label. Copy these and paste into the respective fields in your GTM tag.

    Google Ads Conversion Tag

    Google Ads Conversion Tag

    Next, add a trigger to determine where your conversion tag fires on the site. Of cour se, what you define as a conversion will vary from site to site, and the setup will be different for each.

    In this instance, we'll set up a conversion to fire on a "Thank You" page, assuming that a user sees this page after submitting a form.

    Click within the Triggering section to begin setting up your trigger. Within the window that appears, click the Plus (+) button in the upper right to add a new trigger.

    Add Google Tag Manager Trigger

    Add Google Tag Manager Trigger

    Name the trigger based on the specific c onversion point you're wanting to track. Click within Trigger Configuration to select the type of trigger. For this example, we'll select Page View to track all hits to a certain URL.

    Choose Trigger Type

    Choose Trigger Type

    Select Some page views so the trigger only fires on defined pages. Next, use the section below to define where the trigger will fire. We'll set up a rule for a Page Path that contains /thank-you.

    Thank You Page Trigger

    Thank You Page Trigger

    Save your trigger, and save your tag. For now, your edits will live in your workspace within GTM. Note that to push any G TM edit live on your site, you'll need to click Submit and then Publish.

    Next, we'll add a remarketing tag.

    Adding a Google Ads Remarketing Tag

    Create a new tag in GTM and select a tag type of Google Ads Remarketing. Now, you'll need to find your remarketing tag in your Google Ads account (or enable it if you haven't done so).

    Navigate to Tools > Audience Manager from the top menu.

    Access Audience Manager

    Access Audience Manager

    Next. select Audience sources from the left menu. If your Google Ads tag is already active, click Details; otherwise, you'll see an option to create your tag.

    Google Ads Audience Sources

    Google Ads Audience Sources

    On the Details page, scroll to the bottom Tag setup section and click it to expand. Next, click Use Tag Manager at the bottom of that section.

    Google Ads Global Site Tag

    Google Ads Global Site Tag

    You'll see a box appear with your Conversion ID, which you can then copy and paste into the corresponding GT M box. Note that you don't need a Conversion Label for a remarketing tag.

    GTM Google Ads Remarketing Tag

    GTM Google Ads Remarketing Tag

    Next, click the "Triggering" section to choose where your remarketi ng tag should fire. If you simply want to include the tag across your entire site, choose All Pages. You can also set up triggers to fire the code only on select pages if necessary.

    Google Tag Manager Trigger

    Google Tag Manager Trigger

    Finally, save your tag, and don't forget to publish it live once ready!

    2. Adding the Bing UET Tag

    Now, we'll cover setting up the Bing Ads tag in GTM. Create a new tag and select Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking as the tag type.

    Next, go to your Bing Ads account to obtain the UET ID. Navigate to Conversion Tracking > UET tags from the left column.

    If you haven't yet created the tag, you'll see a prompt to walk through setting it up. If the tag was previously set up, you can copy the Tag ID from the table.

    Accessing Bing UET Tag

    Accessing Bing UET Tag

    Paste the ID into the proper field in GTM. For the default setup, you won't need to adjust any of the advanced settings.

    Bing Ads UET Setup in Google Tag Manager

    Bing Ads UET Setup in Google Tag Manager

    Next, choose a trigger for where you want the tag to appear. Since the Bing UET tag is a global tag, you'll most likely want to fire this on all pages.

    Once the global tag is in place, you can also add additional tags for event-based conversions. Use the same Tag ID, and select an Event Type of "custom." Then, you can define parameters based on what you've set up in Bing for your custom conversion.

    To check the setup of the UET tag, you can use Bing's UET helper Chrome extension.

    3. Adding the Facebook Pixel

    While the previous two platforms we covered have built-in GTM templates, Facebook Ads does not.

    Thankfully, GTM includes a Custom HTML tag as an alternative option, and Facebook offers a direct integration to make the setup process simple.

    To access your pixel from your Facebook Ads account, mouse over the menu from the top bar and select Pixels. If you haven't yet set up a pixel, you'll be prompted to do so.

    Accessing Facebook Pixel

    Accessing Facebook Pixel

    Otherwise, click Details on the proper pixel and Set up.

    Set up Facebook Pixel

    Set up Facebook Pixel

    Now, you'll see a box with options to select a setup method.

    Click Use an Integration or Tag Manager and then select Google Tag Manager from the options that appear.

    Use Tag Manager Integration

    Use Tag Manager Integration

    You'll now see a series of steps walking you through logging into your account, selecting the proper GTM container, and finalizing setup.

    Connect Tag Manager and Facebook

    Connect Tag Manager and Facebook

    To check the setup of the Facebook Pixel, you can use the Facebook Pixel Helper Chrome Extension.

    4. Adding the LinkedIn Insights Tag

    To add LinkedIn's tag in GTM, create a new tag and select LinkedIn Insight as the tag type. You'll now need to grab the Partner ID from your LinkedIn Ads account.

    From within your account, go to the Account Assets dropdown on the top bar and select Insight Tag.

    Access LinkedIn Insight Tag

    Access LinkedIn Insight Tag

    You'll now see the code for your tag, or be prompted to set the tag up if you haven't done so yet.

    LinkedIn Insight Tag Code

    LinkedIn Insight Tag Code

    Look for the second line of code, which sho uld look like the following (the number will vary):

    _linkedin_partner_id = "12345";

    The number within the quotes is your Partner ID, so add that to the field in GTM.

    LinkedIn Insight Tag in Google Tag Manager

    LinkedIn Insight Tag in Google Tag ManagerNow, add a trigger for all pages (or define any specific criteria necessary for where the tag appears or doesn't appear on your site) and publish the tag live on your site. 5. Adding the Twitter Universal Website Tag

    To add the Twitter Ads tag to your site, create a new tag and choose Twitter Universal Website Tag as the tag type. Next, you'll need the pixel ID from your Twitter Ads account.

    From the top menu in Twitter Ads, navigate to Tools > Conversion Tracking.

    Access Conversion Tracking in Twitter Ads

    Access Conversion Tracking in Twitter Ads

    On the page that appears, click "View code and installation instructions."

    View Twitter Ads Universal Website Tag

    View Twitter Ads Universal Website Tag

    Now, you'll see the code in a text box.

    Set up Twitter Ads Universal Website Tag

    Set up Twitter Ads Universal Website Tag

    Find the line of code that looks like the following (the final stri ng in quotes will vary):


    You'll want to copy the string of characters within the second pair of quotes. Insert that string into the "Twitter pixel ID" field in your GTM tag.

    LinkedIn Insight Google Tag Manager

    LinkedIn Insight Google Tag Manager

    For the global pixel deployment, you shouldn't need to customize any additional settings. Add a tri gger for All Pages (or whatever pages you want the pixel to appear on) and publish it live.


    Google Tag Manager can help to majorly simplify tracking tag deployment for organizations of all sizes. With the ability to add tags more efficiently, you can reduce unnecessary communication and save time for other priority tasks.

    If you haven't yet worked with Google Tag Manager, start an account for free and begin setting up some tags for your ad accounts.

    If you've started with GTM but haven't dug in very far, try out some new templates and set up some custom HTML tags.

    You'll likely find using a tag management platform an improvement on previous methods of tag implementation.

    More Resources:

    Image Credits

    All screenshots taken by author, January 2019

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    domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2019

    Thunder journal: Paul George grateful to Oklahoma, world for All-Star starting nod

    Paul George is going to the NBA All-Star Game as a starter.

    The NBA announced its All-Star starters on Thursday, and George was voted as a starter out of the Western Conference for the first time in his career. It's George's third starting nod overall in nine seasons and sixth career All-Star selection. George was voted an Eastern Conference starter twice as a member of the Indiana Pacers (2014, 2016).

    Because he received more fan votes, George was named a starter over New Orleans' Anthony Davis despite Davis receiving a higher percentage of the media and player vote. The fan vote was the tie breaker in determining the All-Star starters.

    "I'm completely honored and grateful, not only for the state of Oklahoma, but for the world for voting," George said after the Thunder's 122-116 win against the Pelicans on Thursday. "I can't thank the fans enough for being in my corner, being behind me all season long.

    "It's an award and an accomplish I think we can all share. I know I'm the one going as of now — Russ will be with me — but it's an accomplishment I couldn't have, I couldn't get without playing with this group here."

    George has been among the best all-around players in the NBA this season, averaging career highs in points (27.0), rebounds (7.9) and steals (2.3) per game.

    "I think the one thing people don't realize with him that's so unique, before the trade happened, he'd never played with Russell, never played in the West," Thunder coach Billy Donovan said. "I think for him last summer he was ready to get into this Eastern Conference, grind-out, slow-down type of basketball.

    "He really worked hard, got himself in great shape, and did a lot of things away from the court. I'm happy for him because of the amount of work that he's put in."


    Crews know to start early when pouring concrete in Las Vegas’ heat

    Las Vegas' brutal summers can sear your skin and cause dehydration or heat exhaustion, sometimes even death.

    Construction crews know the hazards of working outside during the summer as well as anyone. They also know that, besides posing health risks, the relentless heat can cook concrete too fast.

    With the World of Concrete in town — the conference runs through Friday at the Las Vegas Convention Center — the Las Vegas Review-Journal asked around to see how this crucial building material holds up in Southern Nevada when it feels like a turned-up oven outside.

    Neil Opfer, associate professor of construction management at UNLV, said construction workers start pouring concrete as early as 2 a.m. during the summer so they can finish "by the time it gets to be really hot."

    They also use plenty of so-called curing membranes to keep moisture in the slab, he said.

    If concrete is too hot, it will dry too fast, Opfer said, and work crews "don't really have enough time to get out on the slab and get a good finish."

    He was taught that it takes maybe three hours for concrete to set when it's 60 degrees outside, and 1½ hours when it's 80 degrees.

    In July, the average high temperature in Las Vegas is 106 degrees, according to travel site Vegas.com.

    The valley is "absolutely" a more challenging place for construction in the summer, said Curt Briggs, director of operations for ART Concrete Solutions, a Las Vegas concrete-repair firm.

    Its workforce usually starts at 10 p.m. or midnight during the summer.

    "It's much easier to do at night than it is versus being under the extreme heat of the sun," Briggs said at the convention center on Thursday. "You get dehydrated quicker, you lose more production."

    High temperatures can also lead to a faster production time, according to Krista Waddell, ART's president.

    "You're pushing through," she said at the convention. "We're trying to beat the clock on the resin drying."

    Sona Shah, national project integrator at Semco Modern Seamless Surface, a Las Vegas surface engineering company, said her team usually starts at 2 or 3 a.m. on outdoor projects during the summer.

    "I've seen people passing out. … It's too hot to be there unless you work into the contract a tenting space or a cooling space," she said.

    Contact Eli Segall at esegall@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0342. Follow @eli_segall on Twitter. Contact Bailey Schulz at bschulz@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0233. Follow @bailey_schulz on Twitter.


    sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2019

    HVAC companies start 2019 on the lookout for new workers

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]According to survey data used to compile the list of the area's largest HVAC companies, published this week in the Wichita Business Journal, 79 percent of responding companies said they planned to hir...

    quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2019

    Useful Tips On How To Get Cheap Car Insurance For Teens

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]Compare online quotes. The best way to save money on teen insurance is by shopping online quotes. Get at least three quotes and start comparing them in order to find the best deal. For additional info ...

    Lightning journal: Penalty kill off to strong start; lines shuffled Monday

    BRANDON — Of all the areas that warranted frustration from the Lightning's performance Saturday, killing penalties was not one of them.The Lightning killed all five Panther power plays.

    Yes, the same Lightning team that finished with the 28th penalty kill in the NHL in 2017-18.

    "I don't think we made any big, big changes," said D Anton Stralman, who played on the Tampa Bay penalty kill. "I think starting at zero and starting over and having a chance to improve, that's a big thing. You can just forget about last year. It doesn't matter now. We can start fresh and go from there."

    It's a small sample size, so the Lightning could very well finish the season in the bottom half of the league again in killing penalties. But it's a start the Lightning players needed in an area perceived to be perhaps this team's greatest weakness.

    "It has a lot to do with confidence," Stralman said.

    Confidence that often dissipated quickly this past season. Stralman recalled how their confidence would take a hit when opponents would often score even when the Lightning defended well.

    "That is a trickle-down effect, and it would just get worse," Stralman said.

    That didn't happen Saturday, though, with the penalty kill under the direction of assistant coach Todd Richards.

    The Lightning placed an emphasis, center Anthony Cirelli said, on limiting Grade A chances by blocking shots and getting in shooting lanes. Lightning coach Jon Cooper, who was pleased with his team's performance on the penalty kill, would still like to see his players make bringing the puck into the offensive zone more of a challenge.

    "We have just got to stick with it," Cooper said. "When guys start getting a little more familiar with how we are going to play down there, I think it's going to get better."

    In addition to Cirelli and Stralman, Alex Killorn, Mathieu Joseph, Victor Hedman and Ryan McDonagh were among players who spent time killing penalties Saturday. The Lightning's only regulation goal came from Cirelli while the Lightning was short-handed.

    If the first game was any indication, that group might be able to help the Lightning move up the NHL penalty-kill rankings.

    "That was big for us to know that we can do this," Stralman said, "and we will go from there."

    Lines shuffled in practice

    The Lightning does not play again until Thursday, but it debuted some new lines in practice Monday.

    The biggest change came via the second line. Tyler Johnson, who missed the Florida game with a lingering upper-body injury, skated on the wing with Brayden Point and Yanni Gourde.

    Johnson has also spent significant amounts of ice time at center.

    "He is one of the top players on our team," Cooper said. "We are going to fit him in where it gives him success and gives our team success. Sometimes it's on the wing. Eventually, I'd like him to play in the middle a little more regularly. I would. But in saying that, he understands the positions we are putting them in. There's a good chance he is going to be on the power play and penalty kill and all sorts of situations. He's one of those kids who says, 'Put me in, Coach; let me know where I am going, I will do it for you.' We just have to play him to his strengths."

    Lines at practice Monday:

    Ondrej Palat-Steven Stamkos-Nikita KucherovTyler Johnson-Brayden Point-Yanni GourdeAlex Killorn-Anthony Cirelli-Mathieu JosephAdam Erne-J.T. Miller-Cory Conacher

    Paquette dealing with hand injury

    The only line that remained intact from Saturday was the third line. Palat moved to the first line to fill the spot of Miller, who moved to the fourth line in practice to fill in for an injured Cedric Paquette.

    Paquette left early in the game Saturday after another player skated over his glove during a face-off. Paquette returned in the second period and practiced in the first half of Monday's practice, but he did not participate in the second half of practice.

    "It's just a little injury there on his hand. It's nothing long-term," Cooper said. "It's tough. If you saw what happened, he is pretty lucky it was only this."


    Hearings on nuclear waste facility to start today

    .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. â€" The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hear concerns about a proposed interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in southeastern New Mexico today in Albuquerque.

    The commission’s three-man Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will hear contentions from attorneys representing environmental groups from around the country, as well as an oil company and a competing nuclear waste storage company.

    Holtec International applied for a license with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to construct and operate the facility near Carlsbad in 2017.

    The goal of today’s hearing, which will continue until Thursday, if necessary, is for the board to whittle down concerns from groups to those that will be heard later in more substantial hearings that include expert testimony and counter-examination.

    “Essentially, you have to show there’s a real dispute between Holtec and the other organizations,” said Mindy Goldstein of Emory University’s Turner Environmental Law Clinic and who is representing Beyond Nuclear at the hearing.

    Out of the dozens of contentions likely to be raised, Goldstein’s is one of the simplest: She argues Holtec’s plan is illegal. Namely, the plan violates the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, which addresses how the country will dispose of its nuclear waste.

    “(The Nuclear Waste Policy Act) says the private companies that generated the waste are responsible for it until it goes underground,” Goldstein said Tuesday during a meeting with Journal editors and reporters. “The application that Holtec has submitted on its face violates the Nuclear Waste Policy Act because what this says is at this interim storage facility we’re going to have the federal government take ownership and responsibility for this waste.”

    Goldstein said the board will likely decide in March which contentions can move forward to the next stage of hearings.

    After those hearings, the board will make recommendations to the NRC on how to proceed. If the NRC approves the application, opponents may file suit with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Contentions by other groups include public safety, and environmental concerns and environmental justice issues.

    Terry Lodge, an attorney representing several groups, said Tuesday that fracking in the area of the proposed site is one concern he will raise.

    Lodge also said Holtec does not have a method for dealing with canisters of waste that arrive at the facility damaged. Instead, Holtec will employ a “return to sender” approach, he said.

    Holtec will have its own counsel at today’s hearing.

    “We look forward to answering the judges’ questions and demonstrating that the opponents have failed to meet the NRC’s standards that would justify a hearing,” said Joy Russell, Holtec senior vice president of communications, in a written statement. “Notwithstanding the opponents’ claims, our position has always focused on designing, constructing and operating an interim spent fuel storage facility that is safe for the environment, and benefits our clients and this country. Any assertations to the contrary ignore the scientific, technical, and engineering work, which is the basis of the … project.”

    The hearing is open to the public and will begin at 9 a.m. at the State Bar of New Mexico at 5121 Masthead NE.

    There is currently no option for permanent disposal of the nation’s spent nuclear fuel generated by nuclear power plants.

    Holtec is proposing to build a facility that would temporarily store the waste until a permanent underground repository is built.


    quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2019

    Former STN star Dru Gylten off to fast start at Utah

    It first hit Dru Gylten that she was among some of the best college basketball players in the country last season while redshirting with an injury at the University of Utah.

    That notion was not only reinforced this season when she appeared on the the court, especially in Pac-12 play, but it also told her that she belong with the best.

    The former St. Thomas More all-state guard has started all 17 games for the 21st-ranked Utes and she has dished out more assists than any other freshman in the nation.

    Gylten said that it seems like every team they play in the Pac-12 has either one of the best players in the country, one of the best defenses or one of the best offenses. Three conference teams are ranked in the Top 10 â€" Oregon (fifth), Oregon State (sixth) and Stanford (ninth).

    You can't blame her for being wide-eyed and enjoying herself.

    “Yeah, I came from a small town in South Dakota and I have made it here to Utah, in the Pac-12,” she said almost in awe. “It is eye-opening that you are playing the best teams and the best players. But I like it. It motivates me to become better, to push myself, and I think that pushes our team as well.”

    Gylten is one of three former Cavaliers teammates who are not only playing Division I basketball, but playing at a high level (Alexis Swedlund at fellow Pac-12 school Washington State and Ciara Duffy at the University of South Dakota).

    St. Thomas More has won five straight Class A state titles under longtime head coach Brandon Kandolin and the Utes are off to their best start in a long time.

    Gylten admits that she wasn’t expecting to come right in as a starter and have the success that she has achieved in her short time on the court.

    Her role with Utah came much sooner than she expected and she credits her former coach an former high school.

    “I think it all started in high school, being so successful at St. Thomas More and having a great coach there and great teammates who were successful in their college careers,” she said. “That has motivated me, leaving STM and coming to Utah. I grabbed that mentality of wanting to be successful and wanting to win games, wanting to be the best."

    At the same time, her time at Utah was almost derailed before it began. Gylten suffered a torn ACL in the 2017 state semifinals her senior year. The rehabilitation basically lasted a full year before she was cleared to play last March.

    It was the first time she had been injured and the first time she could only watch basketball from the sidelines.

    “That’s a long time to think. You go through so many emotions,” she said. “One thing that I took in from being injured was how much support I had from my family, from St. Thomas More, from the coaches at Utah and from both teams’ players."

    In retrospect, she believes what she went through was good for her.

    “I just learned so much about me as a person, my body, and just the game of basketball. How something that you love so much was taken away from you and then given back. You want to give everything you have,” she said.

    When the injury happened in the state semifinal game, there were some early, ‘oh no’ moments in her head as if she could lose her scholarship. But they were fleeting moments as her Utah coaches reassured her everything would work out.

    Assistant coach Gavin Petersen was actually at that game in Brookings when the injury occurred.

    “You hear about people getting hurt and the team doesn’t want them anymore because they can’t play,” she said. “But they gave me so much comfort in the fact that they still wanted me, the plan was the same. It was just delayed one year. At that moment I realized that I had picked the right place to come to."

    The Utes are preparing to face California in conference play Friday. Through 17 games, Gylten is averaging 7.6 points a game, with a career high of 17 points against Brigham Young, along with a team-leading 107 assists (6.3 per game). She had 11 assists against Seattle University and a double-double her last time out against Colorado â€" 10 points and 10 assists.

    She has had at least five assists in 14 of 17 games and she is ranked 10th overall in Division I. No other freshman in the country has as many assists.

    “I have amazing teammates who are always willing to move without the ball. I can’t have an assist without them making the basket. I give a lot of the credit to them,” she said.

    What could be even more impressive is that Gylten isn’t the starting point guard â€" senior Erika Bean is. She starts at the two guard position.

    Her role at the two guard starts on defense, something she is well aware of coming from St. Thomas More, where defense always comes first.

    “Just like at STM where we limited people with our amazing defense, that has carried over here at Utah,” she said. “It’s sharing the ball and getting people open; keeping other players occupied on offense and defense. It just comes down to playing basketball, moving for your teammates and getting them open, playing as a team.”

    Gylten said that at STM she always played with scorers â€" Swedlund and Duffy in particular. During her senior year she took over the role of scoring more than passing and that has helped at Utah, although she still calls herself a passer first and a scorer second.

    “If the coaches say anything it is, “Dru, you need to score more,’ so that is something I have been focusing on my freshman year,” she said. “I think that I have encouragement from my coaches and teammates to score more. It has helped me in some games. But our team at Utah is so versatile that everyone can score and everyone can pass. If teams take our best two players away, we have to score more. I’m comfortable with that role.”

    The Utes were ranked 21st in the Associated Press Top 25 poll Monday, the first time they have been ranked since 2008. Their only loss to date was by two points to Arizona State.

    “It’s always a goal to be ranked, but we really haven’t been focusing on it,” she said. “It’s more like playing every game the best that we can and hopefully the score will take of itself, which it has. It’s amazing to be ranked and it is something to be very excited and very proud about, but I think we have more goals to take of other than just being ranked.”

    One of the Utes Pac-12 wins this season was against Swedlund and Washington State. Playing against her friend and former teammate was crazy, she said.

    “We see each other in warm-ups, and it is like, ‘Wow, we once played with each other,’” she said. “At the same time once we step on the court we know we are on opposing teams and we are trying to make our team win. But off the court, it is still the same friendship that we had in high school. It’s so cool that both of us being from South Dakota are playing in the Pac-12.”

    Gylten said she is in contact on a pretty regular basis with her former coach and STM senior Alex Kandolin. She follows as many of the Cavalier games as she can. Her younger brother Michael Gylten also plays for the St. Thomas More boys’ team.

    “In my heart I always bleed blue, but here I have to bleed red too (Utah’s school color),” she said with a laugh.


    How to Start a Travel Journal for Solo Travelers


    Jan 9

    Why start writing a travel journal as a solo traveler you ask? As solo travelers, we experience so much on our own and are free to do whatever we please. But sometimes it is hard to share your story with family and friends in a more digestible way, especially if you do not have someone to back it up.

    Starting a travel journal is a good way to write about the many adventures we take and share it with others. You can have a place to write about your stories, cultures and customs you experience, observations, and a way to remember your travels and reflect on them down the road.

    Know your reasoning for writing

    Ask yourself what is the journal really for — It is a personal account of your travel experience to reminisce later on? Looking to share your experience with your family and friends? Or a mixture of both? This will help you understand what style and tone of voice you want to use, what to add in and leave out.

    Think of what you want to include

    When starting to write a travel journal consider adding your itinerary, intended routes to explore, people you have met throughout your journey, favorite meals, best areas, surreal moments, new experiences, the good, bad and ugly, photos and captions for each. Be opened to writing about the sounds you hear, the food you taste, things you smell, your intuitions, & the vibes you get.

    Get something on paper ASAP

    While you are experiencing new things, while traveling alone, you may not have time to write full paragraphs about your journey right in the moment. Jot down a few words to help you remember your thoughts as they come.

    Choosing when to write

    Writing, as you move from point A to point B, is the best because you have idle time to observe and write while you wait to arrive at your destination. Grab a seat, either on the train, bus or taxi — another option is to find a nice cafe or restaurant to enjoy a meal and write after. Start writing about everything that comes to mind!

    Date your entries

    Make sure to add dates for each new writing entries, to help you distinguish on one day to the other.


    YOU control the narrative

    Travel is about living in the moment and is the most important part of your journey. Don't feel pressured to have to write about everything. We all have those experiences we know will never be forgotten. You control what you feel or don't feel like writing about. We are all the writer of our own story!

    Enjoy yourself and writing

    Focus on having the time of your life. You are going to do exciting things and writing about your experience should be too! It may feel like a chore sometimes so try thinking of ways to to make it more enjoyable, like shortening your writing entries to a few sentences or writing when you feel inspired to.

    Thanks for reading! Create your travel journal with us by signing up on www.travsolo.com when we are ready to fly off!

    For more, find us on:

    - Facebook

    - Instagram

    - Twitter

    By Chizoba Anyaoha


    Thunder journal: OKC is starting to see results from focus on 3-point defense

    NEW YORK — Thunder coach Billy Donovan can recite Thunder opponents' 3-point percentages off the top of his head, and leading into OKC's game at Philadelphia on Saturday he didn't like the trend he was seeing.

    But keeping the 76ers to 34.4 percent from beyond the arc in the Thunder's 117-115 win was enough for Donovan to say he was happy with his team's defense.

    "We really worked today," Donovan said after the game. "We did not do a great job in the first half at the 3-point line. We were OK. I thought in the third quarter we were really good limiting their number of attempts. I'll look at the numbers, but I thought our effort was really good for the most part."

    The numbers supported Donovan's evaluation. The Sixers found a rhythm at the 3-point line in the second quarter, shooting 6-of-15 (40 percent) from beyond the arc in that period. But Philadelphia made just three more 3-pointers for the rest of the game. Landry Shamet, who sank all three of his 3-point attempts in the second quarter, didn't take another shot from deep.

    Finally 3-point coverage wasn't a pitfall for the Thunder. In a stretch of five losses in six games leading into Saturday, Thunder opponents shot 43.1 percent from 3-point range. Before Jan. 6, OKC opponents were shooting 33.5 percent from beyond the arc.

    "It's a huge jump," Donovan said. "When you have teams that are taking 30-plus or they're making 18-of-19 3s, you've got to have urgency to get out there."

    He saw that urgency from his team, but a different problem arose. The Thunder fouled shooters beyond or just inside the 3-point line five times, resulting in 13 free throws.

    "We don't fly through the air, that's not we do," Donovan said. "We need to get there on the catch and be there on the catch. And I thought a lot of times we were out of position because we were scrambling to get there. The urgency to get there was great, by Abdel (Nader), by Hami (Hamidou Diallo), it was great. But the technique of what they were doing wasn't great."


    terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2019

    More than 40 doctors leaving Novant Health to start new group

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]Dozens of doctors are breaking away from Winston-Salem-based Novant Health in the hopes of starting an independent group. Forty-one physicians are leaving, Novant confirmed Tuesday morning. Details on ...


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