segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2019

Why (and how) to start a prayer journal today

Bullet journals, vision boards, New Year's Resolutions… it seems everyone swears by a different way to figure out what you want out of life and manifest it into existence. Yes, I am here to offer you yet another one. You're welcome.

An important part of personal development is to keep track of your progress. For anyone who is trying to reach a goal or make significant changes to their lifestyle, setting milestones and acknowledging when you've hit them not only gives you tangible evidence of your progress, it motivates you to keep going. As any project manager, lifestyle guru or Instagram entrepreneur will tell you, there are hundreds of different ways to make sure you meet your goals but finding the one that works for you is half the work in itself.

A while ago, I wrote about the power of prayer. Prayer, for me, means a lot more than communicating with an all powerful being; it's taking time out of the day to meditate on your relationship with the world around you- with both the things we can and can't understand. In this way, prayer reveals our true desires and our fears: the things that make us, us. To some, it is a ritual from childhood, kneeling on the floor before bedtime and taking time to be thankful for one's blessings. For others, it's a practice reserved for the most desperate of times, all other options have been exhausted. I am proposing an alternative: prayer, when documented and revisited, can be a journal, mood diary, vision board and more. Most importantly, it can help you make better sense of who you are and where to focus your energy.

A couple of months ago, I started writing down my prayers in a book. This was for a few reasons, the most important of which being I wanted to keep track of what I was asking God for so that if it did come to be I could acknowledge and be thankful for it. For whatever reason (perhaps because I am a Pisces?), I am someone who's emotions change both frequently and drastically, so when it comes to what I want out of life, the answer is never the same for too long. Because of this, by the time any of my prayers come to fruition, there is no acknowledgement because I am already onto wanting 'the next thing'. Writing down my prayers not only allows me to keep tabs on my recurring wishes (and thus differentiate what I really want from fleeting desires) it also means I can look back and see and be grateful for the ones that were granted.

Since beginning my prayer journal I have felt so many benefits, and I now have a system that I am confident in sharing with people who, like me, have a lot of ambitions and expectations for themselves which they can't always handle well. If you struggle with irrational feelings of disappointment, anxiety or even guilt over wanting to see changes in yourself or your life that never seem to come to be, a prayer journal is one way to separate the rational thoughts from the unfair ones.

Have I convinced you? Here is one way to start a prayer journal today.


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