sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019

How Ancient Supernovae Could Have Encouraged Our Human Ancestors to Start Walking Upright

Ancient supernovae could have had a role to play in encouraging our hominin ancestors to walk upright, a team of researchers has suggested.

According to a paper published in the Journal of Geology, supernovae—cataclysmic explosions of dying stars—showered the Earth with cosmic rays between around 8 million and 2.6 million years ago.

When this space radiation entered the lower atmosphere, it triggered a process known as ionization which may have produced a huge increase in cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. This in turn could have led to an uptick in forest fires around the world.

The authors of the study suggest that these fires could have been one factor in the development of bipedalism—a characteristic that may have allowed our ancestors to better adapt to the savannas that replaced the burnt forests of northeast Africa.

"It is thought there was already some tendency for hominins to walk on two legs, even before this event," Adrian Melott, lead author of the study from the University of Kansas, said in a statement. "But they were mainly adapted for climbing around in trees."

"After this conversion to savanna, they would much more often have to walk from one tree to another across the grassland, and so they become better at walking upright," he said. "They could see over the tops of grass and watch for predators. It's thought this conversion to savanna contributed to bipedalism as it became more and more dominant in human ancestors."

In the study, the researchers identified a layer of iron-60—a variant of iron—in sea beds around the world. This indicates, they say, that supernovae occurred within 163 light-years of Earth during the transition from the Pliocene epoch to the last Ice Age

"We calculated the ionization of the atmosphere from cosmic rays which would come from a supernova about as far away as the iron-60 deposits indicate," Melott said. "It appears that this was the closest one in a much longer series."

"We contend it would increase the ionization of the lower atmosphere by 50-fold," he said. "Usually, you don't get lower-atmosphere ionization because cosmic rays don't penetrate that far, but the more energetic ones from supernovae come right down to the surface—so there would be a lot of electrons being knocked out of the atmosphere."

The team argue that ionization in the lower atmosphere would have led to an abundance of electrons, thus increasing the chances that lighting would form.

"The bottom mile or so of atmosphere gets affected in ways it normally never does," Melott said. "When high-energy cosmic rays hit atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, they knock electrons out of them—so these electrons are running around loose instead of bound to atoms. Ordinarily, in the lightning process, there's a buildup of voltage between clouds or the clouds and the ground—but current can't flow because not enough electrons are around to carry it."

"So, it has to build up high voltage before electrons start moving. Once they're moving, electrons knock more electrons out of more atoms, and it builds to a lightning bolt," he said. "But with this ionization, that process can get started a lot more easily, so there would be a lot more lightning bolts."

According to the study, there is a significant possibility that this increase in lightning strikes led to a spike in wildfires around the globe, as evidenced by carbon deposits which have been detected in soils that correspond to the time of the cosmic ray bombardment.

"The observation is that there's a lot more charcoal and soot in the world starting a few million years ago," Melott said. "It's all over the place, and nobody has any explanation for why it would have happened all over the world in different climate zones. This could be an explanation."

"That increase in fires is thought to have stimulated the transition from woodland to savanna in a lot of places—where you had forests, now you had mostly open grassland with shrubby things here and there. That's thought to be related to human evolution in northeast Africa. Specifically, in the Great Rift Valley where you get all these hominin fossils."


A new paper from a University of Kansas researcher suggests bipedalism arose when ancient supernovae caused lightning that burned Earth's forests and prompted human ancestors to walk upright. NASA

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quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2019

How Patrick Grove Journals His Way To Millions

"My mindset comes from the drive to not only do things differently, but to also do them bigger than anyone has ever done before," says Grove.

Photo by Catcha Group

The interview took me by surprise. A friend had sent me a recording of Mind Valley's CEO, Vishen Lakhiani in conversation with Patrick Grove at A-Fest Bali about how Grove uses journaling to achieve financial success. I watched the entire, thing – transfixed.

Journaling works. Studies have shown that writing down goals makes you more likely to achieve them. And expressive writing, where you write down thoughts and feelings, can even temporarily boost the immune system – bringing health and happiness. As the author of the recently published Heart, Sass & Soul: Journal Your Way to Inspiration and Happiness, it wasn't Grove's journaling tools and methods that surprised me, it was his boldness.

As co-founder and Group CEO of Catcha Group, Grove is recognised as one of the leading entrepreneurs in the Asia Pacific region. Over the last nineteen years, he founded and took five companies from start-up to IPO, recently selling iProperty Group for more than $500 million.

Grove shared how one day, he went to Starbucks and wrote the following question in his journal: "How can I make $100 million in 12 months?" For him, this bold statement kickstarted a problem-solving process. Grove spent several sessions writing down solutions and ideas to this question, enabling him to achieve this goal. In fact, as of 3/12/19, he has a net worth of $400 million.

"My mindset comes from the drive to not only do things differently, but also to do them bigger than anyone has ever done before. I'm sure many people have grand ambition, but as the saying goes, a goal without a plan is just a dream – so I always make sure I back my overly ambitious goals with some serious planning," he says.

I interviewed Patrick Grove to find out more about how he journals his way to millions.


What prompted you to start journaling 10 years ago?

Patrick Grove: Catcha Group was growing at record speed. Between running a very successful market-leading publishing company and iProperty, I found myself overworked and overwhelmed by the speed that we were going. I felt that I needed mental clarity in order for me to achieve some balance, so I decided to give journaling a try.

Did you feel any blocks or doubts about writing and journaling when you started?

Grove: When I first started journaling, it was therapeutic for me. I never knew I had so much to pen down. I have to admit though that in the beginning a lot of the things I wrote were complaints about my life. Nowadays, I know that complaining doesn't do any good, so I made a mindset switch and focused on my goals instead. Now I use the 6Fs [which is where Grove journals about finance, family, friends, fitness, fun and being a figurehead].

Aside from the 6Fs, do you follow any books or guidelines?

Grove: One of the books that has significantly impacted the way I live my life is Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins. From this book, I learned the best ways to model people who are the best at what I want to do. From there, I started to observe and read about the behaviors of people like Warren Buffet and Richard Branson and when I was journaling, I'd write down their traits. The could be anything from how they traded their stocks, to the way they spoke, and I'd see how I could imitate their ways to achieve what they did.

How integral has journaling been to your success?

Grove: I can tell you for certain that I'd still be doing what I do today, which is to start, build and invest in internet companies. But I don't know if I would have been this successful at it without journaling. As for being a millionaire, journaling certainly has helped me chart my path to where I am today, but my drive really comes from my competitive nature to achieve goals, not necessarily being a millionaire in itself.

How often do you journal now?

Grove: Over the last 10 years, I've been writing an average of about 90 pages a year and now I journal once a week to help me reflect on the past week and plan for the next.

What advice would you give to people who want to journal?

Grove: The key is to start. It doesn't matter what processes you follow. It doesn't matter if you do it on a notebook, a laptop or even your phone, or if you do it every day, or once a week. You just need to start and commit to it in order to see results.

This conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.


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